Application for reimbursement and pricing
Guidelines and procedures for submitting to AIFA applications for reimbursement and pricing by pharmaceutical companies are available on this page, in accordance with the provisions of the Ministerial Decree. 2 August 2019, Criteria and methods by which the Italian Medicines Agency determines, through negotiation, the prices of medicines reimbursed by the National Health Service (GU no. 185 of 24 July 2020):
- "Guidelines for filling in the dossier to support the application for reimbursement and pricing of a medicine" (with Resolution DG/1372/2020 of 23/12/2020);
- simplified pricing and reimbursement procedure for the negotiation of equivalent/biosimilar medicines prepared in accordance with the AIFA CTS/CPR Advisory Committee;
- simplified procedure for price negotiation and reimbursement for medicines of parallel import (Resolution DG/357/2021).
- Equivalent or biosimilar medicines - simplified procedure for reimbursement of extensions of indications already reimbursed for the originator;
- Simplified procedure for the reimbursement of new packages due to modification of the primary packaging.
Furthermore, there are information and documents for the use of the new e-Dossier Pricing and Reimbursement platform for the preparation of dossiers in digital format to support applications for reimbursement and pricing.
The main purposes are to support the Applicant in the correct and complete digital compilation of the Dossier, to ensure compliance with the Ministerial Decree of 2 August 2019, to promote dematerialisation and to allow the saving, storage and standardisation of the data entered.
Procedura semplificata di prezzo e rimborso per i farmaci equivalenti/biosimilari (aggiornamento del 22/03/2022) [0.55 Mb] [PDF] >
Simplified pricing and reimbursement procedure for equivalent/biosimilar medicines [0.16 Mb] [PDF] >
Simplified pricing and reimbursement procedure for parallel import medicines [0.91 Mb] [PDF] >
Equivalent or biosimilar medicines - simplified procedure for reimbursement of extensions of indications already reimbursed for the originator [0.61 Mb] [PDF] >
Simplified procedure for reimbursement of new packages due to modification of the primary packaging [0.51 Mb] [PDF] >
Procedura semplificata relativa alle nuove confezioni di farmaci con numero di unità posologiche o dosaggi diversi da quelli dei farmaci già rimborsati [0.15 Mb] [PDF] >
Starting from 31 May 2021, the new e-Dossier Pricing and Reimbursement portal will be available to pharmaceutical companies on the AIFA Services Portal. Below you can find the slides of the presentation of the platform and the link to watch the training day that took place on 27 May 2021.