Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

EMA communication on reports regarding the falsification of Ozempic in pre-filled pens in the networks of other European countries - EMA communication on reports regarding the falsification of Ozempic in pre-filled pens in the networks of other European countries

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EMA communication on reports regarding the falsification of Ozempic in pre-filled pens in the networks of other European countries

The European Medicines Agency has issued a communication ("EMA alerts patients and healthcare professionals to reports of falsified Ozempic pens" available in "Related documents") regarding the discovery, in some EU countries, of falsified packages of the medicine Ozempic, a semaglutide-based medicine, indicated in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

The case history illustrated in the EMA note does not concern the Italian network.

AIFA reiterates that the structure of the national legal production and distribution chain effectively makes the infiltration of falsified products almost impossible, which instead only find distribution through illegal channels such as unauthorized websites and social platforms (for further information see the AIFA communication "Aesthetic medicine treatments and products for diabetes: reports of dangerous products purchased from unauthorized channels on the increase" of 8 September).

AIFA has also recently dedicated a communication campaign to the dangers of purchases from uncontrolled channels ("Related Links").

However, it should be underlined that to date, thanks to the control systems of the legal supply chain, no cases of infiltration of falsified products into the Italian distribution system have ever been recorded.

Published on: 27 October 2023

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