Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Transparency Lists

Transparency Lists

On this page you can find the list of medicinal products and the relative reference prices including the reduction foreseen pursuant to the AIFA Resolution of 3 July 2006, the further reduction of 5% pursuant to the AIFA Resolution of 27 September 2006, art. 9 paragraph 1, of Law No. 31 of 28 February 2008 (payback) and paragraph 9 of article 11 of Legislative Decree 78/2010 converted with amendments by Law No. 122 of 30 July 2010.

AIFA publishes the lists, in order to allow the Regions and Autonomous Provinces a homogeneous application of the provisions of art. 9, paragraph 5 of Law No. 178 of 8 August 2002.

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