Guarantee Committee
The Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, enhancement of well-being at work and countering discrimination is «a jointly composed body with proactive, advisory and verification tasks. It contributes to the optimisation of work productivity in the public service, by improving the efficiency of performance through guaranteeing a work environment characterized by compliance with the principles of equal opportunity, organisational well-being and contrast of any form of discrimination and moral or psychological violence against workers. " (Article 21 of Law 183/2010)
AIFA’s Guarantee Committee was established in 2012 and renewed in 2016. It consists of:
- 8 representatives of the Agency
- 8 representatives of the trade unions
- 1 secretary
Plus an alternate for each member.
Please note that AIFA’s Guarantee Committee, which expired on 30 April 2020, remains in office, pending the start of the procedure aimed at setting up the new Committee, until the latter is established.
According to its Regulations, the Guarantee Committee:
- Is in office for 4 years and its mandate can be renewed only once
- It meets at least 3 times a year
- It can make use of working groups
Proactive tasks:
- Equal opportunities
- Work-life balance
- Fight against mobbing and harassment
- Well-being at work
- Positive actions
Advisory tasks:
- Working hours
- Training
Verification tasks:
- Implementation of positive actions
- Absence of discrimination
By March 30 of each year, the Guarantee Committee publishes the Report on the implementation in the Agency of the principles of equality, equal opportunities, organisational well-being and the fight against discrimination and moral and psychological violence in the workplace (mobbing).
Contacts: cug@aifa.gov.it
Determina DG/103/2022 - Nomina Consigliere di fiducia [0.19 Mb] [PDF] >
Nomina Comitato Unico di Garanzia - sostituzione componenti [0.19 Mb] [PDF] >
Adozione del codice di condotta per la tutela del diritto delle pari opportunità, per la valorizzazione del benessere dei lavoratori e per il contrasto alle discriminazioni nei luoghi di lavoro [0.25 Mb] [PDF] >
Determina DG/317/2021 - Adozione del codice di condotta per la tutela del diritto delle pari opportunità, per la valorizzazione del benessere dei lavoratori e per il contrasto alle discriminazioni nei luoghi di lavoro [0.17 Mb] [PDF] >
Istituzione CUG AIFA 2020 - Integrazione componenti [0.18 Mb] [PDF] >
AIFA's Guarantee Committee establishment 2020 [1.33 Mb] [PDF] >
AIFA's Guarantee Committee establishment 2016 [0.23 Mb] [PDF] >
AIFA's Guarantee Committee establishment 2012 [0.12 Mb] [PDF] >
Relazione annuale CUG 2023 [0.19 Mb] [PDF] >
Relazione annuale CUG 2022 [0.19 Mb] [PDF] >
Relazione annuale CUG 2021 [0.23 Mb] [PDF] >
Guarantee Committee Annual Report 2019 [0.23 Mb] [PDF] >
Guarantee Committee Annual Report 2018 [1.64 Mb] [PDF] >
Guarantee Committee Annual Report 2017 [0.66 Mb] [PDF] >
Guarantee Committee Annual Report 2016 [0.29 Mb] [PDF] >
Guarantee Committee Annual Report 2015 [0.19 Mb] [PDF] >
Guarantee Committee Annual Report 2014 [0.12 Mb] [PDF] >
Guarantee Committee Annual Report 2013 [0.41 Mb] [PDF] >
Relazione annuale CUG 2013 [0.41 Mb] [PDF] >