Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Qualità delle procedure

Qualità delle procedure

Il Sistema di Gestione della Qualità dell’AIFA si basa sui principi di gestione per la qualità descritti nella norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 e alle specifiche norme attinenti le attività svolte dagli uffici coinvolti nei processi dell’Agenzia.

Nello svolgimento dell’attività di verifica ispettiva interna, vengono seguite le indicazioni della norma UNI EN ISO 19011:2012, che fornisce le linee guida sull’attività di audit e sulla gestione dei programmi e conduzione degli audit dei sistemi di Gestione della Qualità.

Sempre nell’ambito della cura del Sistema di Gestione della Qualità dell’Agenzia, si provvede a:

  • garantire l’equivalenza delle attività ispettive e di autorizzazione alla produzione, oggetto di accordi internazionali di mutuo riconoscimento;
  • organizzare le attività relative alle visite ispettive interne su Sistemi di Gestione della Qualità da parte di Organismi nazionali e internazionali;
  • partecipare alle attività internazionali relative alle iniziative del network delle Agenzie Regolatorie europee in materia di Gestione della Qualità.

La documentazione di riferimento dell'Agenzia per la Qualità si avvale di 215 Procedure Operative Standard, 7 Procedure Operative Standard Gestionali (POS/G) e di Documenti della Qualità.

Il Manuale della Qualità AIFA è il principale documento di riferimento del Sistema Qualità dell'AIFA e descrive la Politica, l'organizzazione, le responsabilità e i processi attuati dall'AIFA nell'ambito delle proprie competenze e responsabilità.

Mappa del sito

Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> LayoutLocalService.fetchLayoutByFriendlyURL(groupId, false, "/" + currentPageFriendlyUrl)  [in template "20115#20151#647881" at line 37, column 62]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign currentLayout = LayoutLocalSe...  [in template "20115#20151#647881" at line 37, column 37]
1<#-- Naviga secondo livello --> 
2<#if entries?has_content> 
3    <#assign parendId = 0 /> 
4    <#list entries as curPage> 
5        <#if curPage?is_first> 
6            <#assign parentId = curPage.getParentLayoutId()/> 
7            <#break> 
8        </#if> 
9    </#list> 
11    <#assign LayoutLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService")> 
13    <#assign parentLayout = LayoutLocalService.getLayout(groupId, false, parentId) /> 
14    <div class="underline_title istituzionale">  
15        <a href="${parentLayout.getFriendlyURL(locale)}"> 
16            <h2 class="portlet-content portlet-title-text-model portlet-title-text">${parentLayout.getName(locale)}<span class="Icon Icon-chevron-right"></span></h2> 
17        </a> 
20        <div class=" u-color-black"> 
21            <div class="u-layout-wide"> 
22                <section> 
23                    <ul class="Grid Grid--withGutter"> 
24                        <#list entries as curPage> 
25                            <#if !curPage.isHidden()> 
26                                <li class="Grid-cell u-sizeFull"> 
28                                    <#assign splitter = themeDisplay.getURLCurrent()?split("/")> 
29                                    <#assign currentPageFriendlyUrl = splitter?last> 
31                                    <#if currentPageFriendlyUrl?contains("?")> 
32                                        <#assign currentPageFriendlyUrl = currentPageFriendlyUrl?substring(0,currentPageFriendlyUrl?index_of("?"))> 
33                                    </#if> 
35                                    <#assign pageFriendlyUrl = curPage.getFriendlyURL(locale)?substring(1, curPage.getFriendlyURL(locale)?length)> 
37                                    <#assign currentLayout = LayoutLocalService.fetchLayoutByFriendlyURL(groupId, false, "/" + currentPageFriendlyUrl) /> 
38                                    <#assign expandoAttribute = curPage.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Attiva") /> 
39                                    <#assign isCurrentPage = pageFriendlyUrl == currentPageFriendlyUrl /> 
40                                    <#assign cssClassUrl = "u-color-black"> 
41                                    <#if isCurrentPage > 
42                                        <#assign cssClassUrl = "u-color-blu"> 
43                                    </#if> 
45                                    <#assign urlPage = pageFriendlyUrl /> 
46                                    <#if urlPage?length == 0 && curPage.getTypeSettingsProperty("url")?has_content> 
47                                        <#assign urlPage = curPage.getTypeSettingsProperty("url")/> 
48                                    </#if> 
50                                    <#if expandoAttribute> 
51                                        <#if urlPage == "#"> 
52                                            <p class="Leads-link u-color-black u-textWeight-700" >${curPage.getName(locale)}</p> 
53                                        <#else> 
54                                            <a class="Leads-link ${cssClassUrl} u-textWeight-700" href="${urlPage}">${curPage.getName(locale)}<span class="Icon Icon-chevron-right"></span></a> 
55                                        </#if>   
56                                    <#else> 
57                                        <div class="Leads-link u-textWeight-700" style="color:#ccc">${curPage.getName(locale)}</div> 
58                                    </#if> 
61                                    <#assign isChildCurrentPage = false /> 
62                                    <#list curPage.getChildren() as child> 
63                                        <#if child.getLayoutId() == currentLayout.getLayoutId()> 
64                                            <#assign isChildCurrentPage = true /> 
65                                            <#break> 
66                                        <#else> 
67                                            <#list child.getChildren() as child2> 
68                                                <#if child2.getLayoutId() == currentLayout.getLayoutId()> 
69                                                    <#assign isChildCurrentPage = true /> 
70                                                    <#break> 
71                                                </#if> 
72                                            </#list> 
73                                        </#if> 
74                                    </#list> 
77                                    <#if curPage.getChildren()?has_content && (isCurrentPage || isChildCurrentPage)> 
78                                        <ul class="Grid Grid--withGutter child"> 
79                                            <#list curPage.getChildren() as child> 
80                                                <li class="Grid-cell u-sizeFull"> 
81                                                    <#assign expandoAttributeChild = child.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Attiva") /> 
83                                                    <#assign pageFriendlyUrl = child.getFriendlyURL(locale)?substring(1, child.getFriendlyURL(locale)?length)> 
84                                                    <#assign isCurrentPage = pageFriendlyUrl == currentPageFriendlyUrl /> 
85                                                    <#assign cssClassUrl = "u-color-black"> 
86                                                    <#if isCurrentPage > 
87                                                        <#assign cssClassUrl = "u-color-blu"> 
88                                                    </#if> 
91                                                    <#assign urlPage = pageFriendlyUrl /> 
92                                                    <#if urlPage?length == 0 && child.getTypeSettingsProperty("url")?has_content> 
93                                                        <#assign urlPage = child.getTypeSettingsProperty("url")/> 
94                                                    </#if> 
96                                                    <#if expandoAttributeChild> 
97                                                        <#if urlPage == "#"> 
98                                                            <p class="Leads-link u-color-black u-textWeight-700 u-padding-left-s" >${child.getName(locale)}</p> 
99                                                        <#else> 
100                                                            <a class="Leads-link u-padding-left-s ${cssClassUrl} u-textWeight-700" href="${urlPage}">${child.getName(locale)}<span class="Icon Icon-chevron-right"></span></a> 
101                                                        </#if>   
102                                                    <#else> 
103                                                        <div class="Leads-link u-textWeight-700 u-padding-left-s" style="color:#ccc">${child.getName(locale)}</div> 
104                                                    </#if>                                   
107                                                    <#assign isChildCurrentPage = false /> 
108                                                    <#list child.getChildren() as child2> 
109                                                        <#if child2.getLayoutId() == currentLayout.getLayoutId()> 
110                                                            <#assign isChildCurrentPage = true /> 
111                                                            <#break> 
112                                                        </#if> 
113                                                    </#list> 
115                                                    <#if child.getChildren()?has_content && (isCurrentPage || isChildCurrentPage)> 
116                                                        <ul class="Grid Grid--withGutter child"> 
117                                                            <#list child.getChildren() as child2> 
118                                                                <li class="Grid-cell u-sizeFull"> 
119                                                                    <#assign expandoAttributeChild = child2.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Attiva") /> 
121                                                                    <#assign pageFriendlyUrl = child2.getFriendlyURL(locale)?substring(1, child2.getFriendlyURL(locale)?length)> 
122                                                                    <#assign isCurrentPage = pageFriendlyUrl == currentPageFriendlyUrl /> 
123                                                                    <#assign cssClassUrl = "u-color-black"> 
124                                                                    <#if isCurrentPage > 
125                                                                        <#assign cssClassUrl = "u-color-blu"> 
126                                                                    </#if> 
129                                                                    <#assign urlPage = pageFriendlyUrl /> 
130                                                                    <#if urlPage?length == 0 && child2.getTypeSettingsProperty("url")?has_content> 
131                                                                        <#assign urlPage = child2.getTypeSettingsProperty("url")/> 
132                                                                    </#if> 
134                                                                    <#if expandoAttributeChild> 
135                                                                        <#if urlPage == "#"> 
136                                                                            <p class="Leads-link u-color-black u-textWeight-700 u-padding-left-l" >${child2.getName(locale)}</p> 
137                                                                        <#else> 
138                                                                            <a class="Leads-link u-padding-left-l ${cssClassUrl} u-textWeight-700" href="${urlPage}">${child2.getName(locale)}<span class="Icon Icon-chevron-right"></span></a> 
139                                                                        </#if>   
140                                                                    <#else> 
141                                                                        <div class="Leads-link u-textWeight-700 u-padding-left-l" style="color:#ccc">${child2.getName(locale)}</div> 
142                                                                    </#if>   
144                                                                    <#assign isChildCurrentPage = false /> 
145                                                                    <#list child2.getChildren() as child3> 
146                                                                        <#if child3.getLayoutId() == currentLayout.getLayoutId()> 
147                                                                            <#assign isChildCurrentPage = true /> 
148                                                                            <#break> 
149                                                                        </#if> 
150                                                                    </#list> 
152                                                                    <#if child2.getChildren()?has_content && (isCurrentPage || isChildCurrentPage)> 
153                                                                        <ul class="Grid Grid--withGutter child"> 
154                                                                            <#list child2.getChildren() as child3> 
155                                                                                <li class="Grid-cell u-sizeFull"> 
156                                                                                    <#assign expandoAttributeChild = child3.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Attiva") /> 
158                                                                                    <#assign pageFriendlyUrl = child3.getFriendlyURL(locale)?substring(1, child3.getFriendlyURL(locale)?length)> 
159                                                                                    <#assign isCurrentPage = pageFriendlyUrl == currentPageFriendlyUrl /> 
160                                                                                    <#assign cssClassUrl = "u-color-black"> 
161                                                                                    <#if isCurrentPage > 
162                                                                                        <#assign cssClassUrl = "u-color-blu"> 
163                                                                                    </#if> 
166                                                                                    <#assign urlPage = pageFriendlyUrl /> 
167                                                                                    <#if urlPage?length == 0 && child3.getTypeSettingsProperty("url")?has_content> 
168                                                                                        <#assign urlPage = child3.getTypeSettingsProperty("url")/> 
169                                                                                    </#if> 
171                                                                                    <#if expandoAttributeChild> 
172                                                                                        <#if urlPage == "#"> 
173                                                                                            <p class="Leads-link u-color-black u-textWeight-700 u-padding-left-xxl" >${child3.getName(locale)}</p> 
174                                                                                        <#else> 
175                                                                                            <a class="Leads-link u-padding-left-xxl ${cssClassUrl} u-textWeight-700" href="${urlPage}">${child3.getName(locale)}<span class="Icon Icon-chevron-right"></span></a> 
176                                                                                        </#if>   
177                                                                                    <#else> 
178                                                                                        <div class="Leads-link u-textWeight-700 u-padding-left-xxl" style="color:#ccc">${child3.getName(locale)}</div> 
179                                                                                    </#if>                                   
181                                                                                </li> 
182                                                                            </#list> 
183                                                                        </ul> 
184                                                                    </#if>                                 
186                                                                </li> 
187                                                            </#list> 
188                                                        </ul> 
189                                                    </#if> 
191                                                </li> 
192                                            </#list> 
193                                        </ul> 
194                                    </#if> 
195                                </li> 
196                            </#if> 
197                        </#list> 
198                    </ul> 
199                </section> 
200            </div> 
201        </div> 
202        <br/> 
204        <#assign currentUrl = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent()/> 
205        <#if currentUrl?contains("?")> 
206            <#assign currentUrl = currentUrl?substring(0,currentUrl?index_of("?"))/> 
207        </#if> 
208        <#setting url_escaping_charset='utf-8'>  
210        <#assign currentTitle = themeDisplay.getLayout().getName(locale)?replace(" ", "+") /> 
211        <div> 
212            <div class="underline_title istituzionale"> <h2 class="portlet-content portlet-title-text-model portlet-title-text"><@liferay_ui['message'] key='label.templates.condividi' /></h2> </div> 
213            <div class="social_share" style="font-size: 25px; margin-top: -15px; margin-bottom: 15px;"> 
214                <a href="${currentUrl}" title="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='title.label.facebook' />" aria-label="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='aria.label.facebook' />" target="_blank"> 
215                    <i class="fab fa-facebook-square" style="color: #3b5998"></i>  
216                </a> 
217                <a href="${currentTitle}&amp;tw_p=tweetbutton&amp;url=${currentUrl}" title="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='title.label.twitter' />" aria-label="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='aria.label.twitter' />" target="_blank"> 
218                    <i class="fab fa-twitter-square" style="color: #1da1f2"></i>  
219                </a> 
220                <#--<a href="${currentUrl}" title="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='' />" aria-label="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='' />" target="_blank"> 
221                    <i class="fab fa-google-plus-square" style="color: #dd4b39"></i> 
222                </a> --> 
223                <a href="${currentUrl}" title="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='title.label.whatsapp' />" aria-label="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='aria.label.whatsapp' />" target="_blank"> 
224                    <i class="fab fa-whatsapp-square" style="color: #1FBEA5"></i>  
225                </a>  
227           <a href="${currentUrl}" target="_blank" title="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='label.button.linkedin' />" aria-label="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='aria.label.linkedin' />"> 
228				<i class="fab fa-linkedin" style="color: #1da1f2"></i> 
229				</a> 
231			<a href="" target="_blank" title="Instagram" aria-label="Vai a Instagram"> 
232					<i class="fab fa-instagram" style="color: #1da1f2"></i> 
233				</a> 
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236				<i class="fab fa-spotify" style="color: #1da1f2"></i> 
237			</a> 
239                <a href="${currentUrl}" title="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='title.label.telegram' />" aria-label="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='aria.label.telegram' />" target="_blank"> 
240                    <i class="fab fa-telegram" style="color: #32AFED"></i> 
241                </a>  
242                <a href="mailto:?subject=${currentTitle}&body=${currentUrl?url}" title="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='title.label.mail' />" aria-label="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='aria.label.mail' />"> 
243                    <i class="fas fa-envelope-square" style="color:#0066cc"></i> 
244                </a>  
245                <a href="javascript:window.print();" aria-label="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='aria.label.stampa' />" title="<@liferay_ui['message'] key='title.label.stampa' />" ><i class="fas fa-print"></i></a> 
246            </div> 
247        </div> 
248    </div> 

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