Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

New procedures for authorisation of conferences and meetings concerning human medicinal products - New procedures for authorisation of conferences and meetings concerning human medicinal products

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New procedures for authorisation of conferences and meetings concerning human medicinal products

We inform you that from 2 April 2024 the renewed version of the online service “Authorisation of conferences and meetings” will be made available to pharmaceutical companies, providers and secretariats that organise conferences or other meetings concerning medicinal products, referred to in Article 124 of Legislative Decree 219/2006.

Therefore, from that date, the communications referred to in Article 124 shall no longer be transmitted through the Infocamere service “pre-request for authorisation of meetings”, which will be phased out, but exclusively through the new version of the line service “Authorisation of conferences and meetings” available at

Please note that communications sent before 2 April 2024 will be managed and completed on the old version of the Authorisation system currently in use.

From 11 March 2024, providers and secretariats wishing to organise conferences or other meetings concerning medicinal products may register their organisation in advance on the new online service “Authorisation of conferences and meetings”, also attaching the chamber of commerce certificate and the instrument of delegation - if the registration is made by a person other than the legal representative. Once registered, the legal representatives (or their delegate) can enable/disable users who, on behalf of their organisation, can make communications of conferences and meetings.

Conversely, users of pharmaceutical companies already enabled to the current ACC system will be automatically enabled to the new version of the online service.

Manuals and video tutorials describing how to register for the AIFA online services, how to survey providers or profit/no profit secretariats and the main features of the new application are available in the links below.

They will also be made available in the Online Guide on the homepage of the new application and in the sections “Online Services” and “ACC (Authorisation of conferences and meetings)” of the AIFA Helpdesk FAQ.

Published on: 08 March 2024

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