The Agency
The Italian Medicines Agency - AIFA is a public body operating according to the principles of autonomy, transparency and efficiency, under the direction of the Ministry of Health and the supervision of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy.
AIFA cooperates with the Regions, the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalisation and Health Care, patient associations, physicians and learned societies, the world of production and distribution.
In particular, AIFA:
- guarantees access to medicines and their safe and appropriate use as a health protection instrument
- ensures the national unity of the pharmaceutical system in agreement with the Regions
- provides for the governance of pharmaceutical expenditure in a context of economic and financial compatibility and of competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry
- ensures innovation, efficiency and simplification of registration procedures, especially to allow quick access to innovative medicines and to medicines for rare diseases
- strengthens relations with agencies of other countries, with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and with other international organisations
- fosters and rewards investments in Research and Development (R&D) in Italy, by promoting and rewarding innovation
- dialogues and interacts with the community of patient associations, with the medical and scientific world and with production and distribution companies
- promotes knowledge and awareness relating to medicines, also enhancing collection and evaluation of international best practices.