Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA/EMA/HMA - Translating Innovation into access for ATMPs

AIFA/EMA/HMA - Translating Innovation into access for ATMPs

The Italian Medicines Agency, in collaboration with the EU-Innovation Network (EU-IN), hosted in Rome the event “Translating Innovation into access for ATMPs” on 15 November.

The main objectives of the event were: to solicit feedback on the main challenges and opportunities for the development of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), from the early stages to the access to ATMPs; to illustrate the scientific and regulatory support tools available at both European and national level for those involved in developing ATMPs and innovative products; and to discuss how best to involve the various players in the European innovation ecosystem with the ultimate aim of strengthening it and making it competitive.

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