National report on medicines use in Italy - Year 2023 - National report on medicines use in Italy - Year 2023
National report on medicines use in Italy - Year 2023
The Italian Medicines Agency makes available the English version of the 2023 National Report on "National report on medicines use in Italy", produced by the AIFA Medicines Utilisation Monitoring Centre (OsMed). The Report illustrates data on medicines consumption and expenditure in Italy and can be consulted online.
This Report analyses pharmaceutical prescription data in Italy in 2023 by using the various information flows available, which allow to obtain a comprehensive picture of pharmaceutical care in the inpatient and outpatient settings, both when costs are borne by the National Health System (NHS) and when they are borne by the citizen through private purchases.
OsMed flows have been used for analysing consumption under the approved care regime, whereas the medicine traceability flows have been used to analyse the consumption of medicines purchased by health facilities.
In addition, for analysing prescriptions by age and gender and exposure and for estimating adherence and persistence, data from all Italian Regions, collected through the information flow of pharmaceutical prescriptions reimbursed by the NHS (Tessera Sanitaria) have been analysed.
For assessing purchases by citizens, data collected through the medicine traceability flow for medicinal products delivered to public and private local pharmacies have been used.
Finally, the relevant regional flows were used to analyse the expenditure and consumption of medicines dispensed through direct distribution and distribution ‘per conto’.
Published on: 12 November 2024