Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA approves Janssen vaccine - AIFA approves Janssen vaccine

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AIFA approves Janssen vaccine

AIFA has authorised the Johnson&Johnson's Janssen vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 disease for people over 18 years of age, as per EMA’s indication. The vaccine will therefore be made available at the expense of the NHS.

The Agency's Scientific-Technical Committee (CTS) met today, 12 March 2021, and confirmed EMA's assessment on the vaccine efficacy, which in severe forms reaches 77% after 14 days of administration and 85% after 28 days of administration. According to currently available data, no decline in efficacy has been reported in subjects over 65. The Janssen vaccine is the fourth approved and adds as a further useful option with a significant benefit in fighting the pandemic.

"This is the fourth vaccine soon available, with the important additional advantage of a single dose and ease of administration, so it is an ideal tool for general practicioners. From mid-April, this will be an important fact”, AIFA's Director General Nicola Magrini commented.

President Giorgio Palù observed that "in a critical moment for the country, we absolutely need enough doses to effectively and quickly tackle the pandemic". "The Johnson&Johnson vaccine - he added - has all the efficacy, safety and handling characteristics to represent an extra weapon to get out of the health emergency as soon as possible".

Published on: 12 March 2021

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