Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

2023 AIFA Calls: notice for the appointment of the members of the assessment committees of study protocols - 2023 AIFA Calls: notice for the appointment of the members of the assessment committees of study protocols

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2023 AIFA Calls: notice for the appointment of the members of the assessment committees of study protocols

The Italian Medicines Agency has published the notices aimed at acquiring expressions of interest for the composition of two Committees, each of 11 experts, to assess the study protocols received under the AIFA 2023 Call for Independent Research.

Applications be completed as required by the relevant notices and sent to the following PEC (certified email) address: and received no later than Friday 19/01/2024 at 5 p.m.

  • For the Call “Therapeutic Sequencing in Oncology” we ask you to refer to:  “Bando AIFA 2023_Sequenziamento terapeutico in oncologia_Manifestazione di interesse per la nomina a componente della Commissione di valutazione”. The following email address shall be copied:
  • For the call “Secondary prevention in cardio-cerebrovascular diseases in gender medicine” we ask to refer to: “Bando AIFA 2023_Prevenzione secondaria nelle malattie cardio-cerebrovascolari nella medicina di genere_Manifestazione di interesse per la nomina a componente della Commissione di valutazione”. The following email address shall be copied:

The page “Calls for Independent Research 2023” lists the notices and their annexes to be filled in (“Application for Participation” and “Public Declaration of Interests and Commitment to Confidentiality”).

Published on: 22 December 2023

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