Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Medicine's shortages: official kick-off of CHESSMEN, the Joint Action led by AIFA - Medicine's shortages: official kick-off of CHESSMEN, the Joint Action led by AIFA

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Medicine's shortages: official kick-off of CHESSMEN, the Joint Action led by AIFA

The kick-off meeting of Joint Action CHESSMEN – Coordination and Harmonisation of the Existing Systems against Shortages of Medicines, European Network –  took place in Rome.

This project is led by the Italian Medicines Agencies with the support of the Italian National Health Institute (CNS and CNT) and benefits from the active participation of a wide consortium involving 27 organizations (associated and affiliated organizations) in representation of 22 EU Member States. CHESSMEN is co-funded by the European Commission.

CHESSMEN Joint Action aims at supporting the EU Member States in implementing proper structures, measures and tools to tackle the issue of medicine shortages, strengthening the coordination and harmonisation between different Member States, enhancing Member States cooperation in identifying the root causes of observed shortages of medicines, monitoring and reporting medicine´s shortages, including a common dataset proposal.

Published on: 10 February 2023

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