Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Monitoring of monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19: weekly report published - Monitoring of monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19: weekly report published

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Monitoring of monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19: weekly report published

AIFA publishes the results of the monitoring related to monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of COVID-19 currently available. The monitoring is carried out through the AIFA Register developed in implementation of the Decree of the Ministry of Health of 6 February 2021 (published in the Italian Official Journal general series no. 32 of 8/2/21).

The centres enabled by the Regions to fill in the AIFA Register are available on the page "Centres enabled mAb COVID-19" accessible from the box "Related links".

Published on: 20 January 2022

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